If you are an off roader and have a pulse, you likely know about Moab, Utah. Just incase you haven't heard, Moab is that place you see that has all the awesome photos of the red rocks.
Some would say that Moab is the off-road capital of the World. There are days worth of trails just waiting for you to explore. But there are few things you need to know before heading to town.
If you are bring a UTV, ATV, dirt bike or a rock crawler to town it is important to know if your lodging arrangements can accommodate your truck, trailer and toys. Many people just show up and hope for the best with their hotel. Guess what? Downtown land is expensive and hotel owners are not in business to make huge parking lots just for you.

The good thing about Moab Adventure Condo is that they cater to off roaders. The owners are actually UTV riders themselves, and off-roading is what drew them to the beautiful town of Moab to start with. Each of their condos comes with a large two car garage that has plenty of room for two side by sides. Let's face it, you are going on vacation and want to relax. Can you honestly say you are going to be able to relax if your $20K, $30K or $40K+ UTV is just sitting in a hotel parking lot overnight? Have you ever tried to sleep with one eye open? You know what I mean. It's no fun getting up and checking on your ride every few hours hoping everything is still there.

Time is the most important commodity, each one of us is given just a small amount of it, the older you get the more you realize this. So why waste your valuable vacation time worrying about your toys? So unlike many hotels, we welcome and want you at our condos. We even have plenty of room for trailer parking. Many of our condos have enough room in front of them to park trailers smaller than 20'. However, there is always room for parking on Meador Drive for larger trailers.

The above image shows the location of our Moab vacation home rentals in reference to one another. The green roads show where extra trailer parking is located in relation to the condos.

Ok, enough talk about parking. What about the inside of the condos, how nice are they? Let me be straight up with you, these vacation rentals really are some of the nicest in Moab.
- 8A3 features granite upgrades thought.
- 6A8 pet friendly, most trailer parking
- 7A2 master on main

Now let's talk about money. Some people may avoid vacation rental homes because they think hotels are cheaper. Well, that depends. Most hotel rooms sleep 4 people max. If you have a large family or are traveling with another family you would be required to rent two hotel rooms. Once you pay for two rooms, it is almost always cheaper to stay in our condos than it is to stay at a hotel. Plus you will get all of the luxuries of home versus a rectangle box, aka a hotel room.
Book today Moab Adventure Condo

When you head into town for the first time you will notice Moab really lives up to the title of UTV capital of the world. You will see SxS on Main St, the state highways and back streets. But before you get on your side by side and take off you have to be street legal with the state of Utah or at minimum have a tag that the state of Utah recognizes (reciprocates). You can read more about the most up to date rules on the UTAH DNR website. If you are not street legal you will need to trailer your side by sides to the trailheads and purchase an off road permit.

If you are street legal it is possible to ride from our vacation homes to many popular trails without the use of a trailer. For reference, it is about 5 miles from Moab Adventure Condo to downtown Moab. You can either take Spanish Valley Drive back to town or US Hwy 191. It should be noted that the speed limit for UTVs on Spanish Valley Drive is 15 MPH. This will take you to Moab's most popular off-road trails including Hell's Revenge, Fins and Things, Kane Creek, Hurrah Pass, Chicken Corners and more.

If you are looking for more solitude than the downtown trails offer you can ride south to access a whole different set of trails with a different terrain. We typically go south because we are looking for solitude. One of our favorite trails is the Jeep road to Picture Frame Arch the trail is easy and scenic. For an even more dramatic view, it is possible to take your SxS up to Tukuhnikivatz Arch which is actually right above the condos and offers an incredible perspective of Moab's Spanish Valley.
If you have made it this far you must really be interested in booking a trip to Moab. When the time comes to book, shoot me an email and I will extend any discounts we have available, info@moabadventurecondo.com