While exploring Balanced Rock Mesa in Moab, Utah, I found a rock that looks like an Ancient Alien Monument. Why is this rock here? How was it made?
I also found a rock that looks like a pig, a duck, lots of slots, and Elvis' Hammer. Wait, I thought Elvis had a guitar?
If Balanced Rock Mesa is so interesting to explore, why is this the only reference to it on the internet at the time of publication? Am I the only person that has discovered this area?
Balanced Rock Mesa is located high above Moab and my vacation rental:
https://www.moabadventurecondo.com/ From my patio, I have often looked up to the mesa and wanted to explore it, wondering what cool things I might find.
I was finally able to schedule some time to do some exploring. I was totally amazed at what I found on the mesa.
From the very start of the hike, I was greeted with eye-level views of the Olympic Torch aka Elvis Hammer. Shortly after taking in the vast views from the mesa, you will enter a bizarre world of eroded rock like no other in the Moab area. The deeper you explore out to the end of the mesa the more the rock becomes oddly shaped and eroded by the relentless wind. One rock looked exactly like a pig rooting around. Another rock looked just like a duck.
The top layer of rock is very resistant to erosion but just under it is a thin layer of several inches thick that is getting eaten away by the never ending wind that scours the mesa top. Since this thin layer of rock is missing, it has caused the overlaying rock to become strangely shaped and deeply undercut, with many rocks breaking free and leaning on one another.
I had the entire mesa to myself during my hike. I found no other footprints, suggesting that the area is rarely visited even though it is right next to one of the most famous trails in Moab, The Whole Enchilada. There is no trail on the mesa, you will be walking cross county the entire time. Take care not to walk on the fragile cryptobiotic crust, please step only on slick rock or stay in the sandy washes.
Every rock on the mesa has an interesting shape. I only explored a small portion of the rocks and found an alien, pig, and duck shaped rocks. Who knows what other rocks are waiting to be discovered?
This hike is not for the average hiker. I covered six miles during my hike. However, I spent so much time exploring and crawling through slots that my hike took nearly six hours. I was totally exhausted by the time I got finished. Be prepared for everything on the mesa to fight you, the steep hike up to the mesa, the stiff plants, no trail, harsh wind, dead ends, and pitchouts at every turn.
However, you will be rewarded with breathtaking views and hidden wonders.
The north side of the mesa overlooks Castle Valley, the western side looks over Mill Creek and the south side looks over the Valley of Gnomes and the La Sal Mountains.
There is no trail here, so you will have to explore on your own, you will not be disappointed.